Giving Back When You Feel You Have Nothing to Give

Homeless man - giving back

Our communities are desperately fragmented. So often, even when we’re surrounded by others, by friends and co-workers, by family and loved ones, we perceive ourselves as very alone. Because of this, we’ve begun to feel more and more alienated in the world. Even when we’re surrounded by so many other humans with the same fears and doubts, the same joys and hopes that we have, we keep to ourselves. We never discover that others are much like we are.

Giving of ourselves allows us to feel genuinely needed and inspires us to see ourselves as a part of something bigger, integrally connected to those around us.

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Habit: Keeping a Gratitude Journal

Woman writing in gratitude journal

Our days are filled with busyness – shopping lists, doctor appointments, mandatory meetings at work, bill paying, scrubbing the floors, cooking dinner…. Sometimes, we feel so put upon, so frazzled, we hardly remember to look at the blue sky, the glistening snow beneath our feet, or the smiles of our loved ones right beside us. It certainly doesn’t occur to us to be grateful for being able to buy and prepare nutritious food or for having floors to scrub.

And, sometimes, it feels as if we have nothing to be thankful for. Sometimes our burdens really are too heavy – chronic illnesses, shaky relations with friends or family, job insecurity, loved ones who are suffering…. It can feel as if there’s no end – and certainly no reason in the world to be thankful. Believe me, I know. I’ve been there.

But, there is something to be thankful for, somewhere. There always is.

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Adding Healthy Habits and Routines

More than anything, our habits frame our everyday lives, and for those who choose to live simply, it’s no exception. We wake in the morning and fall into our routines – showering, brushing our teeth, getting dressed, making breakfast…. When adding healthy habits, like drinking enough water throughout the day, or exercising for 20 minutes each morning, or writing in a gratitude journal, for the first few weeks, you’ll have to remind yourself to practice them. Eventually, though, they’ll become routine, just like showering and brushing your teeth.

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